After Your Accident: Why Get Physical Therapy?

Posted on: 30 August 2018

After your accident, you may have refused to see any health care providers because you simply didn't consider injuries to be serious. As you recover, though, physical therapy should be an activity to think about. Why? Soothing Pain Most immediately, therapy is likely to relieve pain from the vehicle accident. Injuries of all kinds can affect the way you sit, move, walk, and go about daily, regular activities. Your therapist will learn some data about your life to help you with a comprehensive, thorough exercise and treatment plan.
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Why Eye Strain Is An Important Problem To Address

Posted on: 28 June 2018

Do you spend hours watching TV, reading, or staring at your computer screen, tablet, or smartphone? Do you often experience heaviness or strain around the eyes, redness around the eyes, headaches, or excessive tearing? You could be suffering from eye strain, which is medically referred to as asthenopia. Eye strain is caused by prolonged focus on close objects. In the current digital era, eyestrain is a common condition. So much so that you may think it's normal.
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Pros And Cons Of Interventional Anesthetic Injections For Migraines

Posted on: 18 May 2018

If you suffer from migraines, there are a wide range of treatments and management protocols that you and your doctor can explore and try. Different approaches work for different patients. One approach that your doctor may recommend, especially if your migraines are linked to muscle tightness in the neck, is interventional anesthetic injections. This treatment plan involves injecting a pain reliever into certain trigger points along the muscles in the back of your neck.
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3 Reasons A Small Medical Office Should Hire An Outside Billing Company

Posted on: 9 April 2018

If you only have a small medical office, you may feel as though you need to keep more tasks in-house to keep costs down. For example, you may hire a person part-time to clean for you, rather than having an ongoing contract with a professional cleaning service. You might have one of your office staff members do the IT work rather than hiring an IT company. This strategy may work well for some tasks, but when it comes to medical billing, you really are better off hiring an outside billing company -- even though you only have a small office.
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