3 Types Of Eye Exams Explained

Posted on: 27 February 2017

While most people are familiar with the eye chart test that optometrists use to test visual acuity, this is only one of many ways that your eye doctor will examine your vision. Here is an explanation of three types of eye exams that your optometrist will use to assess your vision. Cover Test Ocular misalignment describes a condition in which both of the patients' eyes cannot fixate on one object at a same time.
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How To Treat Vertigo Caused By Meniere's Disease

Posted on: 14 February 2017

If you are having problems with your balance, then you need to find out the reason for this reaction. People who have this reaction may feel like their head is spinning. When this occurs, it is time to schedule an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor. Here is how to treat vertigo caused by Meniere's Disease. What Is Vertigo? Vertigo makes you feel like your body is spinning.
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How Exercise Can Reduce Your Risk For 3 Senior Health Fears

Posted on: 14 February 2017

You may be starting your golden years of retirement bliss, but while your workday grind has come to a halt, the green light stays on for you to remain physically active. If you slip into a sedentary lifestyle, the rates of decrease in muscle strength and in endurance will escalate. Engaging in a physical fitness routine will empower you to stave off three health fears that worry many seniors as they age.
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Lower Back Hurt All The Time? Two Tips To Help You Feel Better

Posted on: 13 February 2017

If your lower back hurts all the time, the first thing you should do is see a doctor. They can determine why you are having pain, which could be a muscle strain due to injury or sciatica. Fortunately, there are different things that can help you feel better, two of which are listed below. See a Physical Therapist A physical therapist can help you with your lower back pain in many ways.
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